3. CSR Scholarship 2021/2022 - Notice for degree courses
4. Application form CSR Scholarship 2021/2022 for degree courses
5. CSR Scholarship notice MITD - Year 2021/2022
6. Application form CSR Scholarship for MITD - Year 2021/2022
8. Normal Operations and Opening Hours
3. Civil Service Kermesse 2020
4. NOTICE - Cash Transaction & Evidence of Source of Funds
5. NOTICE - Debit/Credit Card Payment at Cash Office
6. NOTICE - Unsatisfied Customers
8. CSR Scholarship 2020/2021 - Notice for degree courses
9. Application form CSR Scholarship 2020/2021 for degree courses
10. CSR Scholarship notice MITD - Year 2020/2021
11. Application form CSR Scholarship for MITD - Year 2020/2021
12. Notice to Members on Normal Operations and Opening Hours
13. Notice to Members and the Public in General - Sanitary Measures
16. Office Closure Due to COVID-19
17. Fall in Interest Rate and Increase in Loan Ceiling
2. Civil Service Kermesse 2019
4. Reduced Interest Rate on Loan & Free Gift of Rs 1000 on Opening of RSS Account
5. Office Closure on Friday 8th November, 2019
9. CSR Scholarship 2019/2020 - Notice for degree courses
10. Application form CSR Scholarship 2019/2020 for degree courses
11. CSR Scholarship notice MITD-Year 2019/2020
12. Application Form CSR Scholarship for MITD - Year 2019/2020
13. Notice For Cash Transactions and Evidence of Source of Funds
14. Mutual Aid Household Loans
2.General Notice - Loan Deduction at Source
3.CSR Scholarship 2018/2019 - Notice for degree courses
4.CSR Scholarship notice MITD - Year 2018/2019
5. Attractive Interest Rates on Mutual Aid Loans
6. Payment of Dividend Financial Year 2016/2017
7. Attractive Interest Rates on Home Loan / Educational Loan / Fixed Charge Loan
1. Mutual Aid Annual Meeting of Shareholders
3. Communique November 30, 2016
4. Notice to Trainees / Student Nurse / Probationers
5. Notice to Members - SMS service
6. Communique September 2, 2016
7. CSR Scholarship Newspaper Ad
8. CSR Scholarship 2016/2017 - Notice for degree courses
9. Application form CSR- Scholarship 2016/2017 for degree courses
10. CSR Scholarship Notice MITD - Year 2016/2017
11. Application form CSR- Scholarship for MITD-Year 2016/2017
14. Press Communique March 22, 2016
2. End of Year Office Closure - Cash Office
3. Review of MQL Loan and Interest Rates
4. Notice - Mutual Aid Financial Services Ltd
5. Notice - Press Notice for Mutual Aid Quick Loan
6. To have a better platform to provide quality service to its customers, the Mutual Aid Association Ltd has implemented, effective from August 03, 2015 a new Core Banking System (Finacle) from Infosys, India.
7. MAF Scholarships MITD Academic Year 2015/2016 August
8. Scholarships MITD Scheme Application Form - AUG 2015
9. MAF Scholarships UOM Academic Year 2015/2016 August
10. Scholarships UOM Scheme Application Form - AUG 2015
1. End Of Year Office Closure - 2013
2. Equal Opportunity Policy in Employment - August 2, 2013
3. Special Loan Scheme to Members from May 6, 2013
4. Loan Scheme with effect from May 06, 2013
5. Special Loan Scheme - February 25, 2013
6. Payment of Loans - January 31,2013
1. Notice to Members - SMS Service
2. Normal Loan Ceiling, Processing Fee, ROI - December 31, 2012
3. In the matter of Krishnadatt Jory v The MCS Mutual Aid Association Ltd - CN 423/11
4. Cash Payment - August 27, 2012
5. MQL and Personal Loan Schemes - August 6, 2012
6. Special Loan Scheme - August 6, 2012
8. Fee for Personal Data - June 29, 2012
9. Fee for Personal Data - June 11, 2012
10. Increase in Loan Coverage Fee - June 01, 2012
11. CSR MCS Mutual Aid Association Ltd - April 23, 2012
12. Access to Electronic Fund Transfer System - April 11, 2012
14. Data Protection - March 28, 2012
15. Payment of Dividend - January 1, 2012
16. Participation in Mauritius Credit Information Bureau (MCIB) - January 9, 2012
17. Participation In Mauritius Credit Information Bureau (MCIB) - January 4, 2012
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