Customer Charter
We establish and maintain relationships with our customers. Our commitment to you is:
To be fair
- expecting you to pay only what is due.
- treating everyone with equal fairness.
To meet your needs by
- answering all your enquiries efficiently the very first time
- giving you clear and useful information on our products by assistance at enquiry office and by our website (www.mcsmutualaid.com)
- regular customer care training for our staff so that they are helpful and knowledgeable.
To provide an efficient customer service by
- Welcoming and guiding you to the appropriate desk as people come first in our service.
- Processing your application promptly and accurately.
- Keeping your file strictly confidential.
- Using and disclosing the information you give us only as allowed by the law.
- Keeping our costs to a minimum.
- Aiming to achieve ultimate customer satisfaction in the Association’s business.
To be accountable for what we do by
- Setting standards for ourselves and stating how well we live up to them.
- Responding promptly and answering to queries from our customers.
And in return, we rely on you to
- Be courteous as usual to our staff.
- Give us accurate information and to fill in correctly the forms.
- Check your payslip and credit advice regularly to ensure the correct amount is being deducted / paid.
- Inform us of any change of address, employer or Bank Account No.
- Contact us immediately in case you intend to resign or to proceed on leave without pay.
If you are not satisfied,
- Ask for your case to be looked at again.
- Forward your complaint by email or fill in a complaint form and drop it in the complaints and Suggestion box at the Reception desk.
- Write to Management.
- Appeal to the Board of Directors.
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