A. Who are eligible to become a member?
Membership of the MCS Mutual Aid Association Ltd is open:
- To persons holding a permanent and pensionable post with the Government of Mauritius/Local Authorities and the institutions listed below as approved by the Board.
- To the lawful spouse of deceased shareholders provided the spouse is drawing a pension from an approved institution approved by the Board viz Civil Service Family Protection Scheme Board and Statutory Bodies Family Protection Fund.
B. How to become a member/shareholder of the Association?
- No share shall be issued or transferred to a person who is over the approved maximum retirement age of 65 years unless he is already an Associate or a widow / widower of a deceased Associate entitled for Class C shares.
- Applicant should buy three shares costing Rs330.
- Shares are sold from 8.45 to 15.15 hrs.
- Class A shares will be issued to:
- Persons holding a permanent and pensionable post in the Civil Service;
- Trainees or Students enlisted with a view to be considered for appointment on the permanent and pensionable establishment;
- Associates from the Civil Service who have retired.
- Class B shares will be issued to persons holding a permanent and pensionable post in an institution approved by the Board.
- Class C shares will be issued to the lawful spouse of deceased Class A or Class B shareholders provided the spouse is drawing a pension from an institution approved by the Board viz Civil Service Family Protection Scheme Board and Statutory Bodies Family Protection Fund.
- Applicants are requested to join the Retirement Savings Fund and monthly contribution to the Fund should be in multiples of Rs100. A person can also take loan on RSF by pledging his / her accrued RSF contribution. Please refer to the Mutual Aid Brochure on Retirement Savings Fund for additional information and note that contribution to the RSF would be deducted directly from salary of applicants.
- A digital photo of the new member will be captured at the time of membership application.
- When a person resigns from the public sector, he/she is no longer entitled to be a shareholder of the Association.
- Personal cheques are not accepted.
- An applicant should call in person to apply for membership.
The following documents are required for enrollment as member:
- Original and photocopy of National Identity Card and Birth Certificates of Applicant and Beneficiary.
- Original of latest payslip.
- Original pension certificate issued by Civil Service Family Protection Scheme Board (CSFPSB), Statutory Bodies Family Protection Fund (SBFPF)(applicable for Class C shares). Sicom or The Treasury
- Letter from Ministry/Department certifying (valid for 3 weeks) (applicable for Class A & B shares).
- date of 1st appointment
- that applicant reckons permanent and pensionable service (P.P.E);
- salary drawn
- that employee is not proceeding on leave without pay or on prolonged sick leave, is not under report and is not involved in a police case;
- that employee has not applied for retirement or pre-retirement leave.
- Original & photocopy of Bank Name and Account Number.
- Bank statement showing name and address for the member and RSS beneficiary (if different) / Utility Bill (CEB or CWA or Mauritius Telecom) - not more than 3 months. (If utility bill is not in name of applicant, a written confirmation and NIC should be secured from the utility bill account holder and the original and copy of NIC of signatory.)
C. Other Information
- Personal cheques are not accepted.
- Applicant should call in person to apply for membership.
Click to Download Form
Staff of the following institutions are entitled to become members of the Association:
- Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund
- Adventist College Phoenix
- Agricultural Marketing Board
- Air Mauritius Ltd.
- Airmate Ltd.
- Airport of Rodrigues Ltd.
- Airports of Mauritius Co. Ltd.
- Aleemiah College (B&G)
- Alpha College (B&G)
- Ambassador College (B&G) Curepipe
- Beach Authority
- Bhujoharry College (Boys)
- Bhujoharry College Quartier Militaire (B AND G)
- Bhujoharry College Rose Belle
- Bon et Perpetuel Secours College Beau Bassin
- Bon et Perpetuel Secours College Triolet
- BPML Freeport Services Ltd
- Bus Industry Employees Welfare Fund
- Byron College (B&G)
- Call Services
- Cargo Handling Corporation Ltd
- Casinos of Mauritius Ltd
- CEB (Facilities) Co Ltd
- Cell Plus
- Central Electricity Board
- Central Water Authority
- Civil Service College, Mauritius
- College des Villes Soeurs Beau Bassin
- College du Saint Esprit Quatre Bornes
- College Ideal (B&G) Riviere du Rempart
- College Pere Laval Ste Croix
- Competition Commission of Mauritius (CCM)
- Construction Industry Authority (CIA)
- Cosmopolitan College (B&G)
- Cotton Bay Hotel Resort Co Ltd
- Curepipe College (B)
- D.A.V College (B&G), Morcellement St Andre
- D.A.V College (B&G), Port Louis
- Darwin College (B&G)
- Doha Secondary School
- Early Chidhood Care & Education Authority (ECCEA) (Formerly Pre-School Trust Fund)
- Economic Development Board Mauritius
- Eden College (B) Rose Hill
- Eden College (G) Belle Rose/Quatre Bornes
- Employees Welfare Fund
- Enterprise Mauritius
- Export Processing Zones Development Authority
- Financial Intelligence Unit
- Financial Reporting Council
- Financial Service Commission
- Financial Services Institute Mauritius
- Fishermen Welfare Fund
- Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute - FAREI (Formerly AREU & FARC)
- Friendship College (B & G)
- Gambling Regulatory Authority
- Grand Bois College (B & G)
- Grande Montagne College (B&G) Rodrigues
- Hamilton College (B & G)
- Hindi Speaking Union
- Hindu Girls College Curepipe Road
- Human Resource Development Council
- Imperial College (B)
- Independent Broadcasting Authority
- Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) (now FCC)
- Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA)
- lntegrity Reporting Services Agency (IRSA) (now FCC)
- International College ( B & G )
- Irrigation Authority
- Islamic College Belle Rose
- Islamic College Port Louis
- Keats College
- La Confiance College Beau Bassin
- La Ferme College
- Labourdonnais College (B), Port Louis
- Landscope Mauritius
- Land Drainage Authority(LDA)
- Law Reform Commission
- Le Chou College (B&G) Rodrigues
- Lois Lagesse Trust Fund
- Loreto College Bambous Virieux
- Loreto College Curepipe
- Loreto College Mahebourg
- Loreto College Port Louis
- Loreto College Quatre Bornes
- Loreto College Rose Hill
- Loreto College Saint Pierre
- Lycee Mauricien Phoenix
- Madad Ul Islam College Port Louis
- Mahatma Gandhi Institute
- Manufacturing Sector Workers Welfare Fund Act (MSWWF) (Formerly Export Processing Zone Labour Welfare Fund)
- Marechal College (B&G) Rodrigues
- Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation
- Mauritius Cane Industry Authority (MCIA) ( comprising the former Farmers Service Corporation ;Mauritius Bulk Sugar Terminal Corporation; Mauritius Sugar Research Institute and Mauritius Sugar Authority)
- Mauritius Cargo Community Services Ltd (MCCSL)
- Mauritius Duty Free Paradise Co. Ltd
- Mauritius Examination Syndicate
- Mauritius Family Planning and Welfare Association
- Mauritius Film Development Corporation
- Mauritius Freeport Authority
- Mauritius Institute of Education
- Mauritius Institute of Health
- Mauritius Meat Authority
- Mauritius Museums Council
- Mauritius Network Services Ltd.
- Mauritius Oceanography Institute
- Mauritius Ports Authority
- Mauritius Post Ltd.
- Mauritius Qualifications Authority
- Mauritius Research Council
- Mauritius Shipping Corporation Ltd.
- Mauritius Society of Authors
- Mauritius Sports Council
- Mauritius Standards Bureau
- Mauritius Telecoms
- Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority
- Mauritius Digital Promotion Agency
- Mayflower College (B&G)
- MEDCO Abercombie (Trinity)
- MEDCO Agalega Lower S.S.
- MEDCO Alex Bhujoharry S.S.
- MEDCO Clairfonds S.S.
- Medical Council of Mauritius / Dental Council of Mauritius
- Modern College (B&G)
- Mont Lubin College (B&G) Rodrigues
- MSCL Coraline Ship Agency Ltd.
- MT Services Ltd
- Multi Carrier (Mauritius) Ltd.
- Municipal Council of Port Louis
- Municipal Council of Quatre Bornes
- Municipality of Beau Bassin / Rose Hill
- Municipality of Curepipe
- Municipality of Vacoas / Phoenix
- Muslim Girls College Port Louis
- N. Saddul College (B&G)
- National Art Gallery
- National Children's Council
- National Cooperative College
- National Economic & Social Council
- National Empowerment Foundation (NEF)
- National Heritage Fund
- National Housing Development Company Ltd.
- National Library
- National Productivity and Competitiveness Council
- National Social Inclusion Foundation (NSIF)
- National Transport Corporation (PRB & NRB)
- National Women Entrepreneur Council
- National Women's Council
- Nelson College (B & G)
- Nelson Mandela Centre for African Culture
- New Devton College (B&G)
- New Educational College (B&G)
- New Eton College Rose Hill
- Notre Dame College Curepipe
- Open University Of Mauritius (Formerly Mauritius College of the Air)
- Outer Islands Development Corporation
- Patten College (Boys & Girls)
- Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd
- Presidency College
- Private Secondary Education Authority
- Prof B.Bissondoyal College (B)
- Ramnath Jeetah College (G)
- Rabindranath Tagore Institute
- Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre Trust Fund
- Renascence College (B&G)
- Road Development Authority
- Rodrigues College Port Maturin and Brule
- Rodrigues Duty Free Paradise Co. Ltd
- Rodrigues Educational Development Company Ltd (REDCO)
- Royal Holloway College
- S. Munrakhan College (B&G)
- Senior Citizens Council
- Small Enterprises and Handicraft Development Authority
- Small Planters Welfare Fund (SPWF)
- St Andrews College Rose Hill
- St Bartholomews' College
- St Esprit, Case Noyale
- St Helena College
- St Joseph College Curepipe
- St Mary's College Rose Hill
- St Mary's West Petite Riviere
- State Informatics Ltd.
- State Trading Corporation
- Statutory Bodies Family Protection Fund
- Sugar Industry Labour Welfare Fund
- Sugar Insurance Fund Board
- Sugar Investment Trust
- Technical School Management Trust Fund
- Telecom Plus
- Terre Rouge College
- Tertiary Education Commission
- Thanacody College
- The Black River District Council
- The Conservatoire de Musique Francois Mitterand Trust Fund
- The Mauritius Ex-Services Trust Fund
- The Mauritius Institute of Training & Development (MITD)
- The National Mutual Fund
- The Pamplemousses - Riviere du Rempart District Council
- The State Investment Corporation Ltd (SIC Ltd)
- The Statutory Bodies Mutual Aid Association Ltd
- Tourism Authority
- Tourism Employees Welfare Fund
- Town and Country Planning Board
- Trade Union Trust Fund
- Training & Employment of Disabled Persons Board
- Trust Fund For Specialised Medical Care - Cardiac Centre
- Universal College (B&G)
- Universite Des Mascareignes
- University of Mauritius
- University of Technology
- Vallee D'Osterlog Endemic Garden Foundation (VOEGF)
- Victoria College (B&G)
- Wastewater Management Authority
- Windsor College (B & G) Rose Belle
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