Special Loan Schemes (Category B)
National Transport Corporation (NTC)
(Governed By NRB Conditions)
- New loan up to Rs 200,000 maximum
- Thereafter, up to Rs 250,000
- Repayment period up to 8 years
- Two guarantors from NRB or one or two from PRB or outside NTC
- Age limit of 55 years
- Employees of NTC (NRB) are not entitled for Mutual Aid Quick Loan (MQL)
- Qualifying condition for entitlement of loans: more than 5 years of service
- The employee availing for a loan with the Association, shall give an undertaking to the management of the NTC whereby he/she gives full rights to the NTC to deduct his/her gratuity/benefits and submit same to Mutual Aid. A certified copy of the said undertaking form signed and addressed to the NTC must be submitted at time of loan application.
- The signatures of the applicant and the guarantors on the application forms to be made in the presence of an officer of the Association.
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Casino De Maurice
- Maximum loan up to Rs 350,000
- Thereafter, up to Rs 500,000
- Repayment period up to 13.5 years (up to age 55)
- Two guarantors from Casino or outside the organization
- Guarantors can only guarantee for two times
- Employees of Casino De Maurice are not entitled for Mutual Aid Quick Loan (MQL)
- Total deduction on payslip should not exceed 50% of the applicant salary including Mutual Aid deduction.
National Empowerment Fund (NEF)
- New loan up to Rs 100,000
- Thereafter, up to Rs 100,000
- Repayment period up to 4 years
- Two guarantors (at least one must be from outside NEF)
- Qualifying condition for entitlement of loans should be more than 3 years of service.
- Employees of NEF are not entitled for Mutual Aid Quick Loan (MQL)
- Salary pledge to be submitted
Click to download forms
Mauritius Port Authority (MPA)
Loan scheme to employees of MPA are currently being reviewed. Consequently, loan application are being put on hold until further notice.
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